Category Archives: Strength

2Co 1:20  For every one of God’s promises is “Yes” in him. Therefore, through him we also say “Amen” to the glory of God. All the promises of God, no matter how many they are, find their fulfillment in Christ. All who find in Him the fulfillment of God’s promises add their Amen. Open our Bibles at a promise, we look up to God, and God says, “You can have all that through Christ.” Trusting Christ, we say, “Amen” to God. God speaks through Christ, and we believe in Christ; Christ reaches down and faith stretches up, and every promise of God is fulfilled in Jesus Christ. In and through Him we appropriate and take them to ourselves and say, “Yes, Lord; I trust You.” This is the believing yes. All of this is to the glory of God through us. He is glorified when it dawns on human souls…

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