Category Archives: reap and sow

Deu 17:17 CSB  He must not acquire many wives for himself so that his heart won’t go astray. He must not acquire very large amounts of silver and gold for himself. The prohibition against taking many wives was given because many kings married foreign women to form political alliances. If the king followed the Lord he would not need political alliances. Also foreign wives would cause his heart to be led astray to worship their idols. The prohibition against large amounts of silver and gold was intended to keep the king from developing a sense of independence and a lust for material wealth.. All three prohibitions, then, were designed to reduce the king to the status of a servant totally dependent on his Master, the Lord. The tragedy of ignoring these commands is seen in Solomon who broke all three prohibitions.

2Co 9:6 CSB  The point is this: The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously.  In verses 6 through 15 the Apostle Paul lists some of the wonderful rewards and benefits of Christian giving. First, he sets forth the law of the harvest. It is a well-known fact in agriculture that a generous sowing of seed is necessary if there is to be a generous harvest. Perhaps the farmer is ready to put the seed in the ground. Shall he sow liberally or shall he take some of the grain and use it as food during the months ahead? The thought here is that if he sows it liberally, he will also reap out of all proportion to what he sows.  We should remember this with regard to agriculture—the farmer does not reap the exact amount of grain he…

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