Category Archives: Protection

Psa 23:1-4 CSB  A psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I have what I need.  (2)  He lets me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters.  (3)  He renews my life; he leads me along the right paths for his name’s sake.  (4)  Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for you are with me; your rod and your staff—they comfort me. The psalmist employed the figure of a shepherd to recall the blessings he enjoyed from the Lord. The metaphor was a natural one for David, the shepherd-king. It was also a common metaphor in the ancient Near East, as many kings compared themselves to shepherds in their leadership capacity. The prophecy of the coming Messiah incorporated the same, and Jesus identified Himself as that expected “Good Shepherd”. He is also called the “Great Shepherd” and “the Chief…

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Jer 1:17-19 CSB  “Now, get ready. Stand up and tell them everything that I command you. Do not be intimidated by them or I will cause you to cower before them.  (18)  Today, I am the one who has made you a fortified city, an iron pillar, and bronze walls against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests, and the population.  (19)  They will fight against you but never prevail over you, since I am with you to rescue you.” This is the LORD’s declaration. After explaining the task, God charged Jeremiah to take up the challenge. Get yourself ready! is literally, “gird up your loins”. God gave him the needed strength to stand against the people of Judah. Through God’s enablement Jeremiah would be as strong as a fortified city, an iron pillar, and a bronze wall. God’s strength to withstand attack would be needed…

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Zec 2:3-5  And behold, the angel who was speaking with me was going out, and another angel was coming out to meet him,  (4)  and said to him, “Run, speak to that young man, saying, ‘Jerusalem will be inhabited without walls because of the multitude of men and cattle within it.  (5)  ‘For I,’ declares the LORD, ‘will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.’” Another angel, possibly coming from the surveyor, gave a message to Zechariah’s interpreting angel to be conveyed to the prophet. That Jerusalem will be a city without walls indicates that the city will overflow its boundaries because of divine blessing. It will need no fortification or protection because of God’s presence. The Lord will be Jerusalem’s protection without and glory within. This promise looks forward to the Lord’s personal presence through the Messiah in the millennial…

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Isa 26:12-15  LORD, you will establish peace for us, for you have also done all our work for us.  (13)  LORD our God, lords other than you have owned us, but we remember your name alone.  (14)  The dead do not live; departed spirits do not rise up. Indeed, you have punished and destroyed them; you have wiped out all memory of them.  (15)  You have added to the nation, LORD. You have added to the nation; you are honored. You have expanded all the borders of the land. In the kingdom believers will enjoy the peace God gives and will recognize God’s work on their behalf. They will affirm that they remained true to God even though they will have been under the domination of others. Those who will seek to dominate the remnant will be dead, under God’s judgment. Sheol shall greet the departed spirits. In contrast the…

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Psa 31:19-24  How great is your goodness that you have stored up for those who fear you and accomplished in the sight of everyone for those who take refuge in you.  (20)  You hide them in the protection of your presence; you conceal them in a shelter from human schemes, from quarrelsome tongues.  (21)  Blessed be the LORD, for he has wondrously shown his faithful love to me in a city under siege.  (22)  In my alarm I said, “I am cut off from your sight.” But you heard the sound of my pleading when I cried to you for help.  (23)  Love the LORD, all his faithful ones. The LORD protects the loyal, but fully repays the arrogant.  (24)  Be strong, and let your heart be courageous, all you who put your hope in the LORD. David praised the Lord (How great is Your goodness) for His protection of…

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