Category Archives: Ministries

2Ki 3:17-18 CSB  For the LORD says, ‘You will not see wind or rain, but the wadi will be filled with water, and you will drink—you and your cattle and your animals.’  (18)  This is easy in the LORD’s sight. He will also hand Moab over to you. This miracle predicted by Elisha affirmed God’s power and authority and validated Elisha’s ministry. King Jehoshaphat of Judah and King Ahab of Israel gave the prophet Micaiah a similar request. But they ignored God’s advice—with disastrous results.

2Co 10:8  For if I boast a little too much about our authority, which the Lord gave for building you up and not for tearing you down, I will not be put to shame. As an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, Paul had been given authority in connection with the churches he established. The aim of this authority was to build up the saints in their most holy faith. The false teachers, on the other hand, were exercising an authority among the Corinthians which they had never received from the Lord. Not only so, but they were exercising this authority in a manner to tear down the saints rather than build them up. So Paul says that even if he boasted more abundantly in the authority, which the Lord gave him, he would not be put to shame for it. His claims would eventually prove to be true.

The Street Cleaners Ministries is one in which the “12 Apostles Group is involved with in conjunction with Hope of the City and Hands of Hope Ministries. Comenced in March of 2020, it was set up as a response to the urgent shortfall of face masks and other services due to COVID-19 outbreak, with the “Street Cleaners” as our primary focus. Please visit Hope of the City and Hands of Hope websites for further info via the links provided below. The photos below were taken on June 5, 2021 during the Dragon Boat “Chinese Dumplings” distribution event. Previous Outreach Months Prior
