Daily Devotional 3-20-2022

Daily Devotional 3-20-2022

1Th 1:3 CSB  We recall, in the presence of our God and Father, your work produced by faith, your labor motivated by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Three characteristics of these believers stood out in Paul’s mind. First, they had performed an important work produced by faith in Christ. They had turned to the true God from idols. Faith in Christ had produced true repentance. Second, they performed labour prompted by love for Christ. This consisted in their serving the living and true God in the midst of persecution. Third, they had endurance (hypomonēs, lit., “a bearing up patiently under a heavy load”; inspired by hope in Christ. Specifically they were waiting for God’s Son from heaven. These three cardinal virtues that should mark every Christian – faith, love, and hope – stood out in the Thessalonian believers’ lives. Each of these virtues found its object in Jesus Christ, and each produced praiseworthy behaviour. The Thessalonians had exercised saving faith in Christ in the past when they had believed the gospel, they were loving Christ in the present, and they were hoping for His return in the future. Their lives were certainly focused on Jesus Christ. No wonder Paul and his companions gave thanks for them.

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