Daily Devotional 12-12-2021

Daily Devotional 12-12-2021

Psa 113:7-9 CSB  He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the trash heap  (8)  in order to seat them with nobles—with the nobles of his people.  (9)  He gives the childless woman a household, making her the joyful mother of children. Hallelujah!

God exalts – thus sharing His nature with man – the miserable and the poor to places of prominence and prosperity. The poor hover near the refuse heap outside the city for warmth from the perpetual burning and for food from the garbage. But God exalts them, the lowest of society, to an equal portion with the highest (with princes). God does not do this with every poor person, but when He does it for some His gracious dealings are evident. In the New Testament the truth takes on a spiritual significance, for those who trust in the Lord are given an inheritance in the heavenlies, through the grace of God.

The other example is that of the barren woman who becomes a happy mother. In Israel’s history several barren women were given children (e.g., Sarah, Rachel, Hannah). To the Israelites, this was a mark of God’s gracious blessing.

The point of the psalm is that God by His grace does marvelous and mighty deeds for those in need and distress. That is why He is worthy of praise.

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