Daily Devotional 08-25-2021
Psa 51:1 For the choir director. A psalm of David, when the prophet Nathan came to him after he had gone to Bathsheba. Be gracious to me, God, according to your faithful love; according to your abundant compassion, blot out my rebellion. (2) Completely wash away my guilt and cleanse me from my sin. David appealed to God’s love and compassion as he petitioned the Lord to forgive him by grace and cleanse him from sin. God’s attributes of unfailing love for His servant and His compassion for the helpless, were the basis for David’s appeal for mercy. It is also a recognition that David did not deserve forgiveness. God’s forgiveness is by His grace alone. The three verbs David employed here are figurative. “Blot out” implies a comparison with human records that can be erased; “wash away” compares forgiveness with washing clothing (often viewed as an extension of a person),…