Daily Devotional 7-22-2021

Daily Devotional 7-22-2021

2Co 9:7  Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Why should the Corinthians give generously? Paul gave two reasons. (1) A principle holds true in both the natural and the spiritual world: the size of a harvest corresponds to the scope of the sowing. A man may enjoy all his grain by eating it, or he may “lose” some of it by sowing it and later reaping a bountiful harvest. A spiritual harvest, of course, may differ in kind from the seed sown. Material seed may reap a spiritual harvest

Another reason for giving generously is that God loves generosity. God prizes not the size of the gift, but the giver’s sincerity (not reluctantly), spontaneity (not under compulsion), and joyful willingness (a cheerful giver).

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